Wednesday, May 4, 2011


We have already seen that proof and logic does not quell conspiracy theorists.  To show gruesome and graphic pictures to prove that bin Laden is dead is nonsense.  It will be said that they were 'photochopped'.  The DNA results will have no real meaning to most people.  Perhaps it is time that Obama, the House, and the Senate agree to state that they are fully convinced that it was OPbama that was killed and not try to prove too much.

It is far more of concern to me that the anonymity and safety of our Navy Seals is protected.  The populace does not all come from 'show-me, I'm from Missouri'. When conspiracy theorists cannot offer logic as to why someone would concoct such a scheme or in what way they would be benefited, it is time to stop tryi8ng to convince them.  It is a rule of psychotherapy that you do not try to make a depressed person happy.  If they are clinically depressed, talk therapy just will not achieve happiness.  I believe the theorists are very much like paranoid patients with whom I have worked.

A classic anecdote by a psychiatrist friend of mine went as follows.  As a resident, he had a female patient who insisted that a radio had been implante3d in her head and she could not shut it off.  Thinking to prove her wrong, he blushed as he wrote an order for radiology  of her head to determine whether there was a radio in there.  He showed her the results and said, "See, there is no radio in there."  She responded, "Of course not,  the doctors removed it before the x-ray and put it back in there after the picture was taken."  That, friends, is why some things can never be explained away to people who don't really want any truth but there own fantasy.

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