Friday, June 17, 2011


One of Weiner's constituents, a Michael Blozen, spoke for the against the hypocrites who are whining on about the fact that Weiner had lied.l  How many people have been asked intrusive questions about private matters. What makes media or anyone else think they have a right to ask personal questions about a candidate that has nothing to do with their ability govern.  There has yet to be a code set down for anything that is wrong between to consenting adults having non-contact sex.  A husband and wife may have discussion and conclusions about the behavior and what it might mean to their marriage but it is not the right of the public to get involved.

I wrote earlier that I would have liked for him to continue in the house because of the good he does there while he might be getting psychological help for his problems of non-hurtful Internet sex.  I hope there are friends he has made over the years who recognize his talent and will find ways for him to earn enough money to support his family.  I further hope he remains in a position to be able to help the middle class he has represented for so long. 

First, I urge Weiner to blog even if he gets other jobs or has some other public profile.


Frank J. Lhota said...

Don't worry, Anthony Weiner should have no problem supporting his family. He was not charged with a felony, nor has he been disbarred. He should therefore be able to earn a six figure income by working at a prestigious law firm, as a lobbyist, or as a political consultant. Most of the representatives who have resigned under these conditions have followed this path, and have done very well financially. When Weiner retires, his years of congressional service makes him eligible for an enviable pension plan.

Frank J. Lhota said...

Here is another job opportunity for Anthony Weiner (not as prestigious, but at least it pays well):

Yiayia said...

Anthony Weiner is NOT a lawyer. He speaks well and has a BS in political science from a gazillion years ago. What made you think he was a lawyer?

Frank J. Lhota said...

My apologies, most lawmakers are lawyers, but Weiner is not. He cannot get a position at a top law firm, but he can still earn six figures as a lobbyist or a political consultant, not to mention Larry Flynt's offer. He can also earn a tidy profit from his memoirs.

Yiayia said...

It is very easy for me not to concern myself about getting him income. As we say, NMP (not my problem)