Friday, June 10, 2011


There was rather a large number of candidates interested in obtaining the choice of Republicans to be their candidate for Presidency.  We have seen the similarity to the game as every time the music plays, when it stops there is one less candidate sitting in a Republican favored chair.  Mike Huckabee was the first casualty (or shall we say without a chair when the music stopped).

Each candidate seems to have shot themselves in the foot, somehow.  Trump quit because he refuses to shake hands, will not make his finances public, and got himself a TV contract which is a 'bird in the hand and worth two in the bush'.  Newt Gingrich seems lukewarm about the run as do his 'constituents,

Bachmann and Palin lose status with their lack of accurate history knowledge.  Currently they are busy setting up a cat fight between themselves though they might be the last to be aware that is what they are doing.  Lawrence O'Donnell believes Rick Santorum will drop our of the running right after Newt Gingrich , whom he sees as dropping out fairly soon.  Interestingly, Rush Limbaugh has decreed that Gingrich is through as a viable candidate.

Romney seems to be the most viable Republican candidate but, he also seems to lack the kind of support he needs from the Republicans party. to cover for all his waffling back and forth on issues of major import to us all.

Meanwhile, each day bring another chapter and cliff hanger as we wait to hear who will be tackling the competition with Obama.  I'm sure Obama's opponent will not miss a trick to continue with their falsified statistics and erroneous and misleading 'facts'.

I, for one, await with bated breath for more news on the subject...................................

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