Monday, June 13, 2011


Prescription pills are being blamed for addiction and deaths more in Kentucky than in other states, though the problem seems to be in all st.  It will always puzzle me how people who are not suffering chronic pain allow themselves to become addicted rather than working with their physicians to find better solutions to whatever ails them, depression or physical or emotional pain.states, sooner than later, if the drug pushers have their way (cash only business).

Do people not Google the meds they are on as soon as they get them?  If not, why not?  If the powers that be, whatever they are, gave us Google, why doesn't every one yearn to understand more about themselves and the world around them?  Xanax. Klonopin. Oxycodone. Hydrocodone were among those drugs mentioned.  Is there a doctor alive who would prescribe these medications repeatedly without becoming suspicious of addiction?  Kentucky jails are overflowing due to the illegal trafficking of prescription drugs.  People looking for happiness in a pill, or grinding a pill to inject for a faster and greater high.

Today, BBC ran a story by Paul Adams. It features the pain felt by two mothers who lost daughters, 19 and 22, to prescription drugs.  So much energy is being wasted by politicians and others intent on controlling our bodies so that women who get pregnant, regardless of the circumstances, must carry their children to full term.  Why do they worry more about a few fertilized cells than young, beautiful women, who are being killed by prescription drugs.  Is life only precious before birth?

Do these people not realize that as they continue taking their highs they are changing their bodies and creating new receptor sites which will be impossible to get rid of and will be craving these highs for the rest of their lives?

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