Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Casey Anthony
There seem to be few of us who are pleased with the 'not guilty' verdict.  I, for one, do not see that our country would be safer and better off if this young woman had been put to death.  Friends have told me that I am unqualified to comment since I did not stay glued to the TV for weeks watching the judicial farce and legal narcissism evidenced on the media.vying for ratings.

One friend told me she would be found guilty because there were more mothers on the jury and mothers, I was told, do not like women who hurt their children.  I was told I was too opinionated for someone who hadn't watched all the proceedings as carefully as I might watch white sauce needing to be stirred in a pot on the stove.  I didn't watch the proceedings because whatever happened was beyond my control and I don't like watching a trial where guilt or innocence is secondary to needing to win a case, especially with the world watching on TV.

Asked how I felt about it as the judge read what he was required to read to the jury as instruction, all I could think of was that few people can remember more than an hour's worth.  Had I been on the jury, I might have zoned out frequently, from the boredom of it all.  But I wasn't on the jury.  My only opinion had nothing to do with Casey Anthony.  I am in favor of capital punishment where there is not question or doubt.  If there is clear video evidence as well as a confession that the defendant will kill again (by his own declaration), as well as other indisputable forensic evidence, I do not see why I, as a taxpayer, should pay to house and feed him for the rest of his natural life...even if it does cost more to the public to have someone put to death.

Instead, I am against the death penalty when all evidence is circumstantial.  I do not like it when 'professionals" gauge that a person is not remorseful by the look on his face.  Don't people realize that in many trials, innocent people have to be given anti-depressants to make them able to sit in the courtroom without breaking down?  Has no one ever heard that flat facies are a symptom of depression? Whether this young woman is guilty or innocent is not for me to decide, even after evidence presented.  Who knows the real story?  All I know is that she was never accused of anything serious or violent before; has spent three years of her life in prison for something she may or may not have done, has been made a national spectacle and will always be considered guilty by some.  For whose benefit?  For all the people who enjoy looking into other people's keyholes, in my humble opinion.

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