Tuesday, July 5, 2011


The country's birthday celebration at Hatch Shell in Boston on the Esplanade brought out more flags, hats, stick on tattoos, other decorations and patriotic songs than I have seen since WW 2.  It was even more than were visible after 9/11.    

A question in my mind:  Were those waving the flags really aware of the greatness of our country before is was hijacked by the greedy groups? Perhaps he could get some cooperation from the House of Representatives if he could get them to sing patriotic songs before each session.

Obama is the strongest backer of integrity and unity in today's politics.  He refrains from personal slurs about Bush and Republican insulting, lying,Norquist puppets. When we we, the American public, get to hear who has really been running our lives during the past ten years?  Republicans have tried to make Obama as impotent as the current mayor of Pontiac Michigan but hadn't bargained on the intelligent and dedicated man he is to his fellow citizens as compared to Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, Boehner, Rove, Limbaugh and the rest who have made it clear that their goal is to make Obama a one-term president while they have offered not one suitable candidate to replace him.

We need to do more than wave flags, paint our faces, put on crazy sponge hats and sing songs.  We need to get more active to push for exposure of the forces leading us astray; we need to file suit against the Wall St. atrocities perpetrated on us.  The TeaPartiers chant about taking back our country.  No, they do not and never had it.  They need to support the country we have, not continue to hijack it.

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