Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Monday evening Obama gave a frank and frightening picture of the attempts to start a way to balance the budget eventually and to spread responsibility evenly.  For his speech, click here.
As impassioned as Obama ever seems to get with his gentle, tactful appeals, he laid all the political cards on the table and a clear picture of what we have to do to keep our country working for us and not against us....that is we, the middle class, the heart of America.

House Speaker Boehner distorted the entire issue by claiming that Obama just wants a blank check.  He gave a speech with untruths in it (claiming bipartisanship when there were 5 Democrats who voted with 240 Republicans.  It would be very hard not to speculate that the Republicans are willing to let the majority of Americans suffer out of their attempt to avenge themselves for Obama having won the Presidency.  For Boehner's speech, click here.

It was difficult for me to hear him say to encourage his plan He claimed that Obama was asking for the largest increase in the debt ceiling after the biggest spending binge in history..  When will the Republicans pull their heads out of the GW Bush/Cheney sand and see that they came into office with a balanced budget and left with this enormous debt, joblessness, and pledging themselves to those outside government and against what they had promised voters so that they will not raise taxes to the previous level for those in the top 1% of the country and record profit making corporations with all sorts of tax loopholes.

Who, do you think, is speaking most truthfully?  If you say 'Boehner' you deserve the economic disaster you will get, but do you really have to drag the rest of us with you?

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