Monday, August 15, 2011


Texas Governor, Rick Perry
Rick Perry, in a video of his, speaking on MSNBC: "America is not broken, Washington, D.C., is broken,"   Apparently he does not follow with the Constitution as it has set up government.  He has talked of having Texas, where he is governor, secede from the United States.  This does not raise respect for him on my part as having enough brains to run the United States.and do well with foreign relations.  In an article in the L. A. Times, it said:"Of all the early primary states, secular New Hampshire may offer the best test of whether the broader presidential electorate is ready for another socially conservative, Southern governor who has talked openly about his faith and how it has guided his political life".

"With some voters openly suspicious of faith-centered politicians, a number of Republican strategists say Perry's chances in New Hampshire — and nationally, were he to win the nomination — rest on whether he can keep a singular focus on economic issues without making voters leery about the role that religion plays in his thinking."

Michele Bachmann
Bachmann claims she can turn around the economy is just a few months but only said what she would not do.  She has the repeal bill for the 'Obamacare' legislation'.  She will not extend the jobless benefits.

Bachmann prides herself in being the leader in the House who refused to raise the debt ceiling.  Believing herself to know more than all the leading economists because she runs a small business and farm subsidized in essence by the government, she stands alone for the good reason that she cannot find too many others to agree with her ignorant stand.

From an article in the Telegraph of Iowa: "
Both candidates have enjoyed strong support from evangelical Christians and supporters of the small government, low tax tea party movement, and are now making big plays for those two important constituencies in Iowa. They are battling to emerge as the top alternative from the party's most conservative wing to the perceived front-runner, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
"I happen to think the biggest issue facing this country is that we are facing economic turmoil, and if we don't have a president that doesn't get this country working, we're in trouble," Mr Perry told about 300 Republicans in a Waterloo ballrooom. "And I've got a track record."
Mrs Bachmann touted her experience running her family's small business in Minnesota."  Click here for the whole article.

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