Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Ronald Reagan talked about inventing an attack by space aliens to rally the country to come together against the common enemy.  It is unlikely people would buy a story that we were invaded today by aliens.  During and after WWII, we all unite4d against the common enemy of Japan, China, Italy and Germany.  We loved our country, respected our President, our flag and burst with patriotism.  We knew, in some form or another, we suffered the same hardships, some greater than others.  We helped and trusted one another.

When our country came together so strongly,  our government was also united.  That is not true today.  Our Representatives in the house have given their loyalty to those outside of government, fighting the American people, the American way, and our Constitution.

Earlier in blogs, I have written that those Republicans who have signed a pledge to NEVER raise taxes which they consider to trump their oath of office, are  traitors to this country yet they hold it hostage.  They boldly state that their goal is to make Obama a one-term President.  Usually that sort of threat was made by promising to gather votes to win by the opponent.  Not so right now.  Now they lie, distort what he says and does, and clearly are on the inside of government working against it. Yet no one has brought up their un-American work as members of Congress.

How is such a disparate group to be threatened by an outside force that would bring them to bond with the Democrats?  I believe that it would happen only if their treachery is made clear to all for what it is.  Treason is not a label that most Americans would want to wear.  It is time the rest of us call it for what it is instead all trying to game play.


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