Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Tobacco companies are suing the US government for allowing the new warning labels.  A great deal of research has gone into studying the negative effects of smoking, in humans. The article quotes:  "Tobacco use is estimated to be responsible for 443,000 deaths in the US each year."   It proves the two claims made in the label.  I wonder what the courts will do with it. It is sad that we can no longer trust that the courts will make an impartial judgement.  Their claim is based on the right to free speech...which to the best of my knowledge gives no one the right to blatantly lie about substances that will shorten one's life.

The tragedy is that those who smoke will quickly go into denial with "that is not going to happen to me."  There are many other medical conditions that smoking can claim as participating to bring to full bloom.  When will amassing dollars cease to make people deny the number of people that are dying as a result of their products and activities?  It is unlikely that will ever happen.  People must be responsible for their own choices.  These can only be made with full disclosure as to the dangers.

Since I am not a smoker, I have not and probably will not see these warnings on a pack of cigarettes.  However, I am clear that I am not the one who needs to see them as my word to smokers is totally irrelevant, as, unfortunately these warnings will also be.  Too many fingers have been lost because people have ignored them when trying to clear the blades of snow blowers and lawn mowers.  Some people will not learn; we can only hope to teach the young to resist taking up the habit.  Parents, set an example.for the sake of your children.


Frank J. Lhota said...

My concern about these new labels is that they might backfire; see

Yiayia said...

All smoking is addictive and has toxic additives. This is not true of hamburgers though McDonalds and fast food restaurants have joined the healthier eating clubs. Liquor, I believe, while not desirable in excess, is recommended in small doses for health, given to patients in nursing homes to stimulate appetite before dinner.