Tuesday, September 27, 2011


If I were a Republican, I wouldn't be.  This makes as much sense as much of what I am hearing about our current politics.  I think the Teaparty is treasonous.  I deplore the powers that are really running this country, none of which is likely to be an elected official in the legislature or current administration.

The frustration I feel as an optimist is nothing compared to the pessimists I encounter.  They all sound like Chicken Little.  Right now all I can think of, with the interminable rainy weather and cloudy days, is that I must quickly find my light box.  It serves me better than a trip south so I won't have to struggle with the dangers and politics I would encounter going to warm, winter,  sunny lands.

My S.A.D. body tells me to hibernate.  My head tells me to shove my head in the sand until after the election during which, I can only hope, sane people will throw out the do-nothing Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, and Teapartiers who would rather destroy us all than see another term of one of the best presidents we have had in many terms. I have a roof over my head, food in my house, am surviving and can only empathize with the millions who are suffering untold horrors as a result of the unfeeling, brainwashed elected who fail to see what is being done to destroy our country and their selfish part in it. 

After re-reading what I have written, I think I will go to bed for the rest of the night.......I will breathe better than I would with my head in the sand.

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