Monday, September 26, 2011


Before Google, I used to buy every reference book that printed things of interest to me;  quotes, scrabble words, colloquial sayings, rhyming words, do-it-yourself books, encyclopedias and more than remain, some outdated, on my book shelves.  Many have been tossed as obsolete, making room for the many manuals collected though they are far more compact than in the 90s.. Since Nature abhors a vacuum, no shelf is left empty as new 'stuff' rushes in like water to fill a hole in itself.

With regard to reference books, I came across an article that I'd like to share with anyone who has not yet read it.

There are many free services (paid to the service provider by advertising or paid programs with more advantages, often referred to as the PRO version). Tutorials abound on YouTube.

It seems that people are always looking for an either/or choice.  Nonsense.  one must use whatever does the job or provides the information wanted.  I used to buy books to identify flowers, wild and cultivated, including house plants.  I have at least a six foot shelf of them, almost useless since not one had everything and it was more time consuming than to go on Google and search. Google seems to find the answers for me and leaves my shelf space clean..If Google fails me on rare occasions, I turn to the written word and pictures.  If publishers go out of business because people aren't buying enough copies, I will have to deal with that crisis when it comes.

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