Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Obama met in Detroit...good place for Labor Day since most people want to do just that...labor and get paid for it.  Read his speech here.

After he got through saying what we all know...the economy is bad; people need jobs; and all the bow-wow, woof-woofs, he said, "We said working folks shouldn’t be taken advantage of -- so we passed tough financial reform that ended the days of taxpayer bailouts, and stopped credit card companies from gouging you with hidden fees and unfair rate hikes, and set up a new consumer protection agency with one responsibility: sticking up for you."

photo by Mandi Wright Detroit Free Press

He, unfortunately, said,  "We’ve gone through a decade where wealth was valued over work, and greed was valued over responsibility. And the decks were too often stacked against ordinary folks in favor of the special interests."  No, sir, we haven't gone through those things at all.  The Republican Right is gong to continue to stop any positive efforts to make life better for the people to whom you were talking as long as you are in office.  Bipartisanship is NOT working.  You need to make an end run with all the powers of your office.  How is it that Cheney ran the country on HIS own and you can do nothing but accept what they are throwing at you...total refusal.

Someone said you should use reverse psychology...hype that which you don't want and you might get the opposite (that which you DO want) since the Teapartiers are behaving like 2 year olds.  Everything the President says is good.  We are all in this together.  Fine.  But we don't sit in the bully pulpit and the President does.

It was good that the talk was not all promises and rhetoric as so many politicians are full of today.  He spelled out the many forgotten achievement he has already obtained for the middle class since he came into office.  However, you will hear every one of them negated by the Republicans.

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