Wednesday, September 7, 2011


As I listened to Cheney salivating as he talked about torture he would instigate again if he felt it was warranted, I thought that I began to understand why Obama did not wish to bring him to trial in the US.  Obama's whole Presidency would have been consumed with tht trial and all the information that would have to be brought out about all the things heretofore not mentioned in the press about his cruelty and illegal moves that would rekindle hatred towards the US..

Dahlia Lithwick wrote an article, Getting Away With Torture  In the article is written "Implicit in Greenwald's commentary is that the Obama administration is responsible for Cheney's continued legitimacy in the debate about torture, as well as the legitimacy of the debate itself. By deciding to repudiate torture while doing everything in its power to protect the torturers, the Obama administration has succeeded in elevating not only Cheney but the idea that, in America, some torturers are too important to be punished. "  While this may be true, it does not take into consideration that there may be excellent logic why this Presidency has chosen not to pursue legal action against him.  In many ways, Cheney has been foolish to publish his actions in his memoirs as they will be used against him in history if not before.

 Most people want instant gratification.  I applaud Obama for his patience, at times, though I, among many, do not understand it.  I do believe that Obama has succeeded in making the world see that Cheney alone does not represent the entire United States or the present government.  Given Cheney's heart health,  it is not even certain that he would survive the kind of trial that would take place.  No one is considering Bush, his puppet, in this.  After all, as Truman said, "The buck stops at the top."

What would it make us look like to the rest of the world.  Is it best forgotten in favor of getting America solvent again?  Cheney and his cohorts, Haliburton, Blackwater, et al, have devastated our economy, pleasing bin Laden no end.  Osama did not have to continue terrorist attacks,  Cheney was doing his job for him.

People are far too quick to condemn Obama.  Cheney knows the world can prosecute him for his crimes and so he will not ever go to Europe again.  Meanwhile, no one thinks about the current Republican House of Representatives and what it is doing to the image and economy of the US.  That damage is happening right now and should take a top priority to Cheney, who is not in a position to force our country to continue the illegal practice of torture and waterboarding.  

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