Thursday, September 15, 2011


This morning on MSNBC (Morning Joe), Zbigniew Brzezinski talked about the state of our country.  He, like so many others, pointed out the potential of the poor rising up against the 1% who hold 40% of the money, pay few taxes, while the poor pay great proportions of their income to tax.

There is little doubt in my mind that the militias which have been training for years will eventually draw in many less violent people who are 'fed up' with the current policy of not taxing the top 1% as they had been before G W Bush's administration lowered it to the present level.  The claim of 'no new taxes' is absurd.  The aim is to simply put it back as had been intended when it was lowered.

It is a shame that people have been voted into office with no knowledge of how to run a country and only their own biased views and pledges to a man not in government to guide them.  I have written before and repeat, anyone who has signed the pledge and is following it to Grover Norquist is guilty of treason according to the definition of the word.  At minimum, they have violated the oath the took when taking office.

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