Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Richard Dawkins
Because people don't like the results, they must believe that the evidence is wrong.  Richard Dawkins writes a letter:  Good and Bad Reasons for Believing.

The subject right now should be of universal interest as you wonder how someone can vote for a person known to be corrupt, untruthful, and who promises things which cannot be delivered.  Yet these candidates have massive numbers of followers.  If voters see enough news to know someone is running, they probably also see others exposee of them.  Yet with indisputable charts, facts and sources before them, they continue to stick with their tainted choice.

There was research done that proved the plethora of Republicans are people who have a great deal of difficulty with change.  Democrats may have more flexibility about making changes but their overall philosophy does not change and they will be more 'liberal' (whatever that means).  I suspect it is that liberal also means they can be less tunnel visioned, see consequences on a broader systems scope, and empathize to a greater degree with humanity.  They would be less racist and grasp concepts faster such as that being gay is not a choice.

The thing that saddens me the most at this time in our history is that so great a part of our country has been bombarded with 'Christianity', not faithfully as Christ is written about, but as the snake oil salesmen of some 'churches' choose to present his tenets and the rest of the Bible (a work written by men of different eras and ideas.  I will fight making religion a part of our government and feel that our founding fathers had it right when they said religion had to be kept out of politics.  When Father Drinan, a Catholic priest had to leave his elected office it was the right thing to have happen.  All people representing the country must be able to keep their personal religious beliefs in their personal life, household and family.  They must not bring them to the Office.

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