Friday, November 25, 2011


Strength in numbers has been often proved.  I believe that to be true and I am thankful that the American middle class has finally joined forces and is fighting back the rich and power hungry who had decided to make our country a slave state.  Occupy Everywhere is a good start and even the Republicans would do well to listen if they consider their re-elections are no longer a shoo-in.

We should all be grateful for the Internet and the way that the world is able to freely share information so quickly.  Without it, we would have to rely on the Rush Limbaughs of the world and Fox News.  Interesting research by Fairley Dickenson showed that people who watched Fox News were 18% less informed even than those who watched no TV news.  It is nice to have many sources for finding what is really going on in the world since the world's major newspapers have an English page online which is globally shared.

It is good, after all the lies the Republicans have given us and continue to do through its candidates for President, we are being shown how inadequate the Republican party is to govern America,  Not a single Republican candidate is sufficiently prepared to be President and keeps proving it as the debates go on so endlessly.

The Teapartiers claimed to want to take their government back.  Nevertheless they did nothing to take us back to anything vaguely resembling our government working at its best.  It is pure folly to think that our country could be run without the support, checks and balances our government offers us.  Headless organizations have not a track record to prove they work.

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

The Fairleigh Dickinson study also shows that MSNBC viewers are misinformed, a fact that many reports of this study leave out. In general, I would recommend that one should not limit yourself to news sources from only the right or the left. To be fully informed, look at both sides.

I have been quite impressed with Ron Paul's debate performance. As early as 2001, he said on the house floor that federal housing policy would lead to a devastating housing bubble. Today, Paul and Gary Johnson seem to be the only candidates in either party that are willing to make the hard choices necessary to resolve the debt crisis. And now that Obama has embraced the PATRIOT Act, Paul is our best for hope for repealing this massive violation of our civil liberties. For these reasons, I feel that Ron Paul is the candidate most prepared for the presidency.