Saturday, November 26, 2011


Laurie Goldstein, writing for the New York Times:  "A poll by the Pew Research Center, examined the impact of religion on the 2012 election in light of claims by some analysts that a Mormon stigma is significant enough to impede Mr. Romney’s run for president."  The Christian right seems to mistakenly assume that our country is Christian.   Even as Christian as Catholicism is, it isn't the 'right' Christian belief for many who seem to think Christianity was properly defined before the Bible was written and before God hadn't stopped talking directly to properly anointed and psychotic people to tell them what is acceptable behavior and belief for them.

While we have come to know some imposters in our present world, all the people who wrote in the Bible were clearly not, though there is no real proof that anything the Bible says has actually been tested or proven.  Their information, guidance and logic, came straight from God and, later, in the New Testament, straight from Jesus, or someone who should be believed over all others regardless of facts.

As is always the case, we have a plethora of non-believers.  Many of them think that the Mormon church should not be allowed to have a member as its President as the wealthy church has become too powerful and our country will then be leaning too far towards Mormonism  and Mormons controlling us all.  For someone's documentation of that belief, click here.

Meanwhile, most of us know that we defy our Constitution since our leaders signed a Bill of Rights to go with it which tells us 'All men are created equal'  However, since that was only as recently as a little more than a couple o hundred years ago, definitive word on that hasn't gotten around yet..

Of course we all know that our modern day churches are well-run businesses.  The real purpose behind most religious groups is to gain power.  The power may be big enough to sway the congregation or even big enough to control whole countries of people.

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