Sunday, November 27, 2011


More of my friends have no time for the exhausting preparations for Thanksgiving  dinner which were only normal for all of my long life.  First of all, people used to like turkey when it tasted good.  Today's turkeys have been raised to be big (probably on hormones), juicy (by injecting lots of fluid), so that the meat is tasteless to me.  I stuff myself with stuffing which I far prefer to turkey meat.  More people give up the cooking and go to a restaurant where people can choose their own not an insignificant price for it all.

It has become clear to me, where once the meal was important and to which I looked forward, that it is no longer of interest to me.  What represents the day is not taste but feeling.  A feeling of togetherness with loved people counts for so much.  No longer is it possible to have all of family together; there are too many in-laws pulling them away.  Others who matter to me are an ocean away.

It makes me realize that I spent the day with people I can see anytime but the busyness of our lives doesn't make it happen unless a special day is set aside.  It finally makes clear why there have to be some holidays.  It forces people to retain some sort of direct contact, take a few pictures, eat a complete meal without rushing, and take a day off from the usual employment chores.  That in itself should be enough for which to be thankful.

The global economy, politics, terrorism, wars, protests, police brutality, murders, thefts, violent crimes, and all the many other negative things in our society leave little for which to be thankful from our world.  However, it is easy to be thankful for loved ones: relatives and friends, good health, and enough money for a roof overhead.  It is more than so many of the 99% can claim to have these days.

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