Wednesday, November 16, 2011


The country is now in the process of cleaning up the deposits on figurative lawns made by dogs without leashes  For those who like to stay informed, another site to be added to you  review is, (The Center for Responsive Politics).

Today's article was about most members of Congress enjoying a robust financial status, despite the nation's sluggish economic recovery.  Small wonder that Congress hears none of the voices from Occupy Wall St.  It is time that a citizen push be made to take all decisions of self-interest our of the hands of the Congress.  If ever there was a conflict of interest that is a blatant one.

Raises and perks over and above the flat salary of all Representatives and Senators should be subject to the same procedures that corporations and other employers follow.  An evaluation of the work, stated goals and to what degree they were met, and financial decisions made on the basis of what is happening with the rest of the country's workers some of whom are as unskilled as many Representatives who do not know their job, the Constitution, do not follow the world situation or much else they should know..

Nov 15 - "As the deadline approaches for the supercommittee to agree on $1.2 trillion in cuts to the federal budget, the influence of one unelected player may make the difference, the Wall Street Journal reported. Antitax advocate Grover Norquist could be a big reason for the supercommittee’s stalemate, thanks in part to his nonprofit’s deep pockets." -(

Tonight, Lawrence O'Donnell on his re-write segment showed that Republican Senator from Pennsylvania, Pat Toomey, pointed out that it will not violate the Grover Norquist pledge if the Bush lowered taxes revert to what they were in the Clinton era when the time limit runs out and they just are not renewed..

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