Tuesday, November 15, 2011


How are we to interpret the swiftly moving poll scores?  Conservatives don't like Mitt Romney though most Republicans seem to think his choice will be inevitable.

The money being bet is probably enough to lower our National debt but that won't happen.  My guess is that little money obtained from gambling gets to the general economy.  Gamblers just keep recycling it, except for the jewelry high rollers fund for their wives, mistresses or girlfriends.

It would seem that even some of the Republicans are smart enough to see they are in trouble.  It makes me wonder what Grover Norquist holds over the signers of the pledge that makes them so fearful to defy it.

Several, which included Cain, Bachmann,  do not think waterboarding is torture and would willing bring it back.  Cain, however, said additionally that he would go along with the military in this, not realizing that it was the CIA who thought to use it while the military is against it.

We who are older all feeling sorry for Perry's brain freeze but Cain has even topped him on that.  Cain had a total brain freeze that lasted several minutes about Libya.  He started to infer that he disagreed with Obama's handling but, then, it appeared that he realized he didn't know anything about it and didn't know whether Obama handled it well or not.

That there is not one strong Republican candidate says something (I'm not sure what but it does say something) about the lack of credible candidates for the office.  Not one of them, after all this time and talk and hoo-hah campaigning has indicated readiness for prime time in the Oval office. .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm......o...er.....I....umm, don't remember what I was going to say. The thingy in my ear that tells me what to say ain't work'n.

Dan O