Saturday, December 10, 2011


Trying to figure out what to believe is difficult these days.  The man or woman staring at you from the TV screen is speaking. Is he telling truth?  Who can tell?  He is reading from a prompter.

Do we believe because more sources think the same way that the fewer sources on the opposite side of this 'fact'.  If numbers alone decided what is right, we would fall for all the fads, con men, politicians, and religious zealots who talk directly to God. Being asked to put our faith and trust in God has a random chance of working out. Since no one talks to us and God chooses not to show a form, a voice, a being of some sort, it makes God difficult to trust since we have no evidence God has agreed to anything for which people pray.

Obama made some promises during his presidential campaign for his 2008 election.  He was honest that his promises would be attempted but h did not count on a Legislature whose stated only mission was to see him a a one-term president and shot down everything he proposed.  I( particularly like the sign to the right of this at all,

Whom are we to not stop believing?  The answer is, of course, "Trust only that which lies beneath your fingers within your own control,"   Even that trust doesn't mean you can't err in judgement, make mistakes, or be wrong.  Even our own senses of touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste can be mistaken.  It should prove beyond a doubt that, if we cannot trust our own senses and judgment,

Needless, we have to hone our sleuthing skills, behave as though we are constantly paranoid, and follow the maxim:  "If it is too good to be true, it is."  Remember, promises don't always come true, no matter how well intended.

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