Friday, January 13, 2012


I've heard lots of inspirational talks but haD never heard this woman before.  Most of them substitute the concept ,usually in religion, of faith. Instead of faith in Christ, Allah, God, Rush Limbaugh or Timothy Leary, you are simply asked to have faith in yourself.  You are preached to by many sources that you first have to 'love yourself' and have 'faith in yourself'.  The only faith I have ever had in myself is faith in my abilities: to think quickly, consider my options, then check out my resources, In this sense, faith is: knowing that there is no free lunch and that if there is to be a solution to the problem, you will have to work it out for yourself.

A friend sent me a YouTube link which I found delightful.  The secret to success, as she tells it, will be explained at a later lecture. She debunks all the usual pleas to love yourself, etc. and all the ridiculous 'faith' requests which are impossible for most of us to plug into.  Thespians can easily bring on tears and  portray all kinds of instant emotion.  They get paid for doing it and it is not attached to their 'real' lives.  The operational word most important to our lives is reality.  Reality can be changed under some circumstances but an important skill to have been learned before maturation is that reality cannot always be changed and one must learn the difference in that particular reality.  A skill that should be gained in the maturation process is how to discern reality.  A process of elimination and some empirical thinking is good here.  One must never fuss and waste time and energy trying to change that which cannot be changed.  Generations of scientists tried to change iron into gold.  They  wasted a great deal of both time and energy before accepting that it can't be done.

It makes me wonder how I ever got along before Google and YouTube. The biggest danger in life has gotten to be that my Internet connection will fail or my computer will lose stored data.

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