Saturday, January 21, 2012


If the Teaparty can advocate to get the government out of our lives, I feel entitled to ask that the Christians get our of my sex life.  "The second Christian “sex advice” book to be lavished with attention this month for allegedly being edgy and oh so sexy. “Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship, and Life Together,” written by pastor Mark Driscoll of Seattle’s Mars Hill Church and wife Grace Driscoll, similarly sings the praises of sex as a form of communion with God."  Read more by clicking here

The Driscolls wrote a first book:  “Sexperiment: 7 Days to Lasting Intimacy With Your Spouse.”  I, for one., would like to know where their authority (other than their own copulations) give them the authority to give such advice?

If you want to know what people who thought the world was flat thought about sex and the Bible, the Holman Bible Dictionary offers an interesting perspective.  There is no indication that, if the majority rules on it, it is likely to get laughed out of the 21st century..Oddly, there are still many people, mostly men, who are trying to keep the 10th C values on sex alive.  That was when women were chattel and the law required that they submit to their husband's 'pleasure' and demands..

A vestigial left-over of that view can be found today in FDLS (The Fundamentist Church of the Latter Day Saints).  Preserving a series of compounds where a madman, now in prison, is still trying to control his leadership of polygamous communities.  Here women are brainwashed, have no say about to whom they are married or even and what underage they marry.  They are there to breed more females for the community.  Male children don't seem to be encouraged to stick around there long.  I suppose these virile, young men are too threatening to the old geezers who pick off the twelve and thirteen year old virgins.

If anyone thinks that Christian sex is 'doing it' in the missionary position,  perhaps they might buy one of the Christian sex books, or better yet, find themselves some of the literature on sex from India where they were far more creative and rumor has it that both partners enjoyed the act more. 

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