Friday, January 20, 2012


Sometimes I wonder at my willingness to endure experiences similar to a chalk squeaking across a blackboard.  I'm not really sure I could locate my hackles but I am sure they go up when I listen to these four left standing.  The group seems like they're playing musical chairs.

From a much lager group, all of who were sure (and many wrote books about their future presidencies) they would build a better world for us in the US.  The major problem is that none of them really had any concept of what the majority of US citizens want or need.  They were biased by the people who were invited or made an attempt to get out to hear them.  With such a self-selected audience you might not get to hear the broader views.

During this debate, Gingrich said Planned Parenthood was the biggest abortion provider and no one contradicted him though the facts are that abortion is only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does.  For anyone who checks out facts and knows the truth, it is terribly frightening to realize how little these candidates know about any of the things they talk about.  They all know what should happen but few have come up with realistic solutions.  The major imperative is to defeat Barack Obama, only.  Otherwise, to have students clean the bathrooms and firing the union janitors as though that is their only job is insulting to janitors and should be embarrassing to Gingrich who attempts to belittle every group, depending on when he is speaking to another group with different values.

After my flesh stops crawling, I want to yell, "Liar, Liar, pants on fire!"  (Though I never called anyone that even when I was a kid.)  Actually, when I talk to myself in my brain, it is usually in English but I like the few profanities I know in Greek and those are the real messages running around in my brain as I hear them, the liars, the hypocrites, the zealots, the self-servers, (these are the nicer English names I can come up with).

It ended with Gingrich in a snit saying he is tired of the elite media attacking Republicans for Obama....not the exact words but pretty close. Santorum began smelling rosy because he made a case for why he is the best contrast to Obama. 

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