Tuesday, January 24, 2012


What in the world was going on in the Christian mind of Rick Santorum to not correct the woman who assumes Obama is a devout Muslim and not a legal president by virtue of his birthplace.  His character profile certainly crumbled on that one.  If he can't defend a competitor, he certainly didn't learn anything that competitive school sports try to teach. 
If he remembers that McCain did the honorable thing and corrected a lady on Obama being a strong Christian, he certainly should not have connected that with McCain's ultimate defeat in the presidential campaign.  Mr. Santorum, I had little respect for you before as you certainly weren't showing any exceptional intelligence but you seemed to have some values sticking out about morality and integrity.

While I might disagree with Mr. Santorum's stance on religion, when life/personhood actually starts, whether abortion should be controlled by the government, having contradicted in most of his speeches in which he has talked about getting government out of, not into, our lives, He has talked about having government get out of our lives,

That a woman could get up and state those feelings and erroneous impressions of Obama to the millions watching, really makes one wonder where she gets her information.  Is she the American so many of our servicemen have died for?  Ugh!

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