Sunday, January 29, 2012


If people want to believe the worst, they will find a way because there will always be people ready to oblige them.  For example, the nonsense that President Obama has no proper birth certificate to qualify him as a citizen and that he is an avowed Muslim that persists so strongly with so many..  Even someone like Donald Trump has either been brainwashed or is trying to brainwash others with that nonsense.

Conspiracy theorists are masters at this brainwashing.  They sound rational about things they know nothing about and convince people that our government is hiding things from them, lies to them, and has secret intentions not to be shared with the average citizen.  Indeed, not everything the government does (like planning the Seal mission to take out Osama bin Laden) will nor should be made available to the public.  If all the citizens had equal say in how the government is managed, we wouldn't need elections for the Legislative and the Executive Branch.
The Merriam Webster dictionary definition of brainwashing 
1: a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas
2: persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship
The first definition is more sinister, but the second fits what I am describing to put it in a category of brainwashing. If you believe conspiracy theories in the face of proof otherwise, you are likely easily brainwashed and campaign aides, con men, and marketers will love you.  Those who are paid enough will say anything to fool the public to their way of thinking.  Think of the 'Swift Boat' campaign ads.  Right now, only rigid Republicans can hear no thought of a real democratic society.  They will continue to project and displace on everyone who doesn't think their way.  All the faults of the Nation fake courtesies.  How pitiful that they are teaching their children to hate as these parents represent divisiveness in our society today.


Frank J. Lhota said...

Conspiracy theories have warped much of public discourse. The problem is (unfortunately) not limited to the right, however. Left wing conspiracy theories that have become popular in recent years include the 9/11 truth movement, the Afghanistan Oil Pipe theory (see, and the quite harmful theory that vaccines are a dangerous product (causing Autism), flogged by greedy and uncaring pharmaceutical companies.

It is time for both sides to stop with the paranoid theories about the other side. The irrational and vitriolic attacks from the left and the right have resulted in a large shift of voters away from either side, i.e. a surge in independents. See

Yiayia said...

I totally agree, Frank