Tuesday, February 21, 2012


     My parents were both born in Greece in the 19th C.  There were no gynecologists, no hospitals for babies to be born in, no social security disability, and no way for people, who did physical labor all day to survive able to raise disabled children.  Today, Rick Santorum was quoted as saying the Democrats are trying to cull out disabled children with abortion by this pre-natal care and amniocentesis.
     If Santorum truly claims to want to make the government less in our lives, how can people plan to have children for whom they are unable to provide?  In past centuries, infants who were seriously deformed or disabled were euthanized at birth.  This was the only way families could continue to live their labor intensive lives.
      There are, in fact, many who do not believe a person exists before birth.  Therefore, an abortion, to them, is a kindness, not murder.  It is a kindness not to allow a fetus to turn into a human being who will live a life of nothing but hardship and pain, dependent on others for life..  Yes, there were children born 30 or so years ago without arms or legs as a result of some legal drug prescribed to the mother (thalidomide).  Many children were thus born deformed before the cause was determined and today pregnant women are not allowed to take this drug.
     Once such a child is alive, we must do all we can as a society to care for them.  We have some wonderful charities to assist, but much falls to the government (i.e.we taxpayers).
It would be unconscionable to do less once a child is sentient.   To my way of believing, that is when life starts.  It should also be noted that many disabled people never need governmental supplement of funds. The cost to taxpayers is never mentioned apart from Social Security as repayment to people who have paid from their wages as long as they have worked.  A few years ago, the politicians in Washington decided to use those funds for disability and now claim that social security cannot support itself.  It is not a subject that seems to be part of the pro-life and anti-abortion group, and it should be.

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