Wednesday, February 22, 2012


There are people who claim to believe in birth angels.  They presumably decide who gets which child.  I would wonder how the angels are to decide.  Do they see a future?  If the child could see its own future, would it choose to be born without mobility, sight, control of its limbs, retarded and a burden on society because it is rare that healthy children are outlived by their parents?  Women who are alive, possibly forced by economy to work outside the home while raising their children, and find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy are very often abortion seekers.  All lives are important, not only that of the fetus but of siblings and parents as well.

Having worked in a mental hospital, I can see how one child can be the destruction of an entire family. Before a child was adopted there was not the careful history of that child's background as should be done today.  Parents who also had three natural children  (I'm not sure if that was before or after the adoption) had to hospitalize that child in a mental hospital.  Hospitalizations was so costly it had taken all the family's savings, even what had been put aside for the other children's educations.  It was finally learned that the mother had been mentally retarded and schizophrenic, raped while in an institution and gave birth to this boy.  I do not know what happened to him but when the family's money ran out he was transferred to a state facility before most of them were shut down.

This child would have died
Santorum would do without prenatal care for women.  It is imperative to read this story from a women who writes her child would have died had she not had an amniocentesis which showed as RH factor problem which was able to be fixed while in utero or the child would have died. Without amniocentesis, her rare disease would have gone untreated and she would have likely died at birth.  Sarah Fister Gale tells her own story here.
This should be proof that politician's should not make laws prohibiting medical treatments about which they know nothing. They should not make laws raping us with ultrasound wands.  They should not lie about the services provided for women like the lie saying that almost all the services of Planned Parenthood are abortions when the actual number is 3% only, many medically necessary.

Someone should make a Federal law prohibiting lawmakers (who are not physicians specializing in gynecology) making laws without a proper panel of medical professionals and women making the recommendations.

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