Sunday, March 25, 2012


Convinced of my own masochism, I forced myself to listen to a Teaparty rally.  The sounds like rebellious teenagers.  They were shouting and asking for getting government to get out of their lives and let them make their own decisions.  As someone who raised 6 offspring through teen age and worked for 20 years with teenagers, I cringed as I heard the familiar bad logic.

click on Dr, John Whitley to your left to see this video
One young, very pretty black woman, vainly started her shouting with an apology for the appearance of her hair as she had been caught in the rain.  She went on to bellow that we must repeal ObamaCare, making me wonder what made her think she had really known a thing about the bill.  A NC, conservative republican doctor, Dr. John Whitley, running for election to the House of Representatives was clearly frightened that he wouldn't be able to set his own rates and get richer.  He kept talking about how with ObamaCare no doctor would be working in a private practice; they all would be working for the government insurance policies.  He argued for letting free enterprise determine costs.  I do not know what his medical specialty is but he spoke as though he would continue his practice if her were elected to the House.  He wrote: "Government doesn’t know best – we the people know best. As your representative in Congress, I’ll lead the fight to return us to fiscally sound, limited government; for it is our Constitution that recognizes that the strength of America comes from our people, not our government.".  Listen to his brief video.  He is naive enough to believe that, if he is elected to Congress, he will see that Obabacare is repealed and he will put the fiscal house in order.

The dead-beat Dad, Joe Walsh, did his usual schtick and started off saying that he had typed out a speech then proceeded to tear up several pages and compare himself to Obama but without the use of the prompter.  One can readily say why he doesn't need a prompter.  He has been giving the same message since her first gone into the house a couple of years ago.  He can rev up fire and brimstone just like any good evangelical TV minister can do.  If one didn't know better, one might honestly err in assuming the man knows whereof he speaks.

The moral to this story:  "Never smile at a crocodile.  Don't be taken in by his silly grin   He's imagining how well you'd fit within his skin.  (song from Peter Pan movie by Disney)"

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a 906 page bill that changes virtually every aspect of the U.S. medical industry. A human institution the size of the American medical system is so complex that even the experts cannot agree on what the system will finally look like after this act is fully in place. History shows that the act will have unintended consequences, some positive and some negative.

None of this issue's complexities were reflected in today's post. Is there really no other explanation as to why the African-American woman wanted Obama Care repealed other than ignorance? Is it inconceivable that a doctor would object to nationalizing his practice for some reason other than greed? Not in the black-and-white perspective of this post.

Far too often in, political dialogs turn into both sides talking past each other, each side dismissing what their opponents say. Much greater progress could be made if both sides engaged each other; see