Saturday, March 24, 2012


Today the Al Sharpton Show on MSNBC had the people who manage the Neighborhood Watch.  The police should have understood the rules and known that Neighborhood watch does not allow weapons.  When this boy was shot, it seemed there was no question as to why he was carrying that gun.  It is clear they are to take no action, only to serve as the eyes and ears for the police.  The police didn't question that Zimmerman followed this boy even when he was told by the police to stop.

Zimmerman was not officially in the Neighborhood Watch program.  The police did not check his background; just took his word for whatever he said.  Here are the standards for Neighborhood Watch.  When it is the police who don't communicate properly on their job it is most serious. We count on them to be unbiased but this is not clear with the reports we are hearing.  Those journalists who were privileged to hear the enhanced version Zimmerman was heard top mumble 'f*cking coon'.  If the people had not united in the media and on social programs like Twitter , Facebook, and such, it would have stopped in Sanford, FL. Violence is apparently permitted by the police department in that city, given the film we were shown on the attack on a homeless man by the son, of a policeman, whose victim spent a year or so in hospital and recuperating but was given only a year of probation.

Should someone want a more complete reiteration of what happened the night Trayvon Martin was killed, click here.

This is a major event which must change the face of our blind eye to poor policing, racial acts of hate, biases from people who don't like anyone who is not like themselves. It should cover the disabled, the homeless, the other than 'American' ethnic accent, the 'wrong' religion, the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender), and given Rush Limbaugh's response to Ms. Fluke, all females.  Unless i am mistaken, that leaves only White, American males in the 'right' Christian religion.

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