Saturday, March 17, 2012


If candidates were as bad in the past as these Republican candidates are today, they must have had better handlers because not until Palin were we subjected to such a joke as a candidate.  It seems that Romney cannot stop making stupid reminders that he does not know the common man.  Bush the first had never been in a grocery store.but we didn't learn about it until he had been in office for quite a while.

Most candidates can stay on the issues or, at least,  pretend they are with the people.  Santorum can't even do that.  He is too invested in his idea of the sanctity of life, more for the unborn than born.  Occasionally he notices that the economy is bad but his ideas as to what to do about it are incredibly naive or insufficient..

The Republican party cannot come together.  The base has no control over these ridiculous candidates.  They have been divisive for so long and have been fueling their party members through fear and fraud.  What appalls me is, in each election, people vote for a smooth line which leads them down the thorn-sided primrose path.   They seem to be unaware of the dangers of their course.

Listening to the Republicans complaining that the Medical Insurance Plan (passed by the government under Obama's administration_ is illegal because people are having to pay whether they want it or not does little to explain how so many states can pass a bill that requires women to undergo unnecessary ultrasounds, against their will, against medical advice, be forced to watch them and be forced to pay out of pocket for them.  The hypocrisy is unfathomable.

The anxiety raised, since we are at the whim of people who have no idea where they are taking us, is overwhelming.  Where is the ACLU when we need them?  Our constitution is being violated daily, with the public unable to see or hear anything being done about it.


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