Sunday, April 29, 2012


In a Wall St Journal article on 4/26/12, Karl Rove wrote: 

I Was Wrong About Dick Cheney...

...and other lessons I learned from vetting vice-presidential candidates. 

Rove, essentially says the choice for V.P. should not be made on politics but for the person suited to do the job should anything happen to the President.  For the next three months the guesses will run wild   We would not want a repeat of a few president's ago when the general joke around town was, "If the President gets shot, quick! aim at *#!! (the VP)"

Stories have been written about understudies who pray for the star to be out just one night so they can prove they can do the job better.  Perhaps VPs do the same but, with the exception of Truman, that has not often happened.

If Sarah Palin had become President...I shudder just seeing these words.

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