Saturday, April 28, 2012


I've always known why I hate to leave my home, even for a weekend.  The angst is even worse if I don't have my own car with me.  Then I begin to feel trapped before I even get there.  I have to pack the clothes I will definitely need, might need, and a spare of everything.  However, vitamin pills digestive aids, antihistamines, because if I eat out there will surely be an attack of hives,etc.   I will be unable to trust the ingredients to be free of MSG, nitrites and sulfites. Wait staff never knows what is in food other than no MSG is added (there was enough in it when delivered to the restaurant).  I am always assured that no peanut ever got into the restaurant (though I am not sensitive or allergic to those.)

Making a list,  probably longer than the one Santa has to use at Xmas, never assures me that I have thought of everything, especially since I have procrastinated about packing since I really don't want to leave home.  Like the guy whose motto was 'Don't leave home without it', I must remember: something to read in the 'library' if my tummy is off so I don't have to read toothpaste tubes and bottle labels; something to read until I get sleepy, which is usually long after my hosts retire; my iTouch with all the phone numbers and addresses after I have remembered to charge my cell phone; money, charge cards; all articles of clothing from the inside to the outside; and I think you have the idea.

Once the bag is packed the obsessing starts.  Have I packed enough?  What did I forget (because I always forget something) have I watered all my plants so none will die over the three days I might be gone (some people hate to leave their pets...I hate to leave my plants); who needs to know I will be away?  By now, I am exhausted and really just want to stay at home.  At least I remembered to shut off the faucets leading to my washing machine so I don't have to come back to a water-filled basement.

Whoever said, "There's no place like home."  knew what they were talking about.

1 comment:

Pamela Jaye said...

despite the fact that I have a running packing list (somewhere - it's been a while) I tend to have nightmares about packing (which is a process I usually start 2 weeks before I go away)

and I'd rather go anywhere in my car, cause it has spare clothes, spare food, etc. I hate to think what I need to pull out of it to put in someone else's car...