Saturday, May 19, 2012


Comedy and satire has become so great a part of politics, that Republican representative,   Rep.John Fleming  wrote on Facebook that Planned Parenthood was engaging in “abortion by the wholesale.” He was unaware of the publication of The Onion as a satirical news outlet. He read an article titled, “Planned Parenthood Opens $8 Billion Abortionplex.” not knowing it wasn't real.

MSNBC plays more Bill Maher, Jon Stewart,Stephen Colbert. Saturday Night Live, and some of the late night comedians than I usually get to see on a regular basis.  This Week with George Stephanopoulos usually has a bit of  the Sunday Funnies taken from the same sources.

Recently, listed the top 10 political comedians in their view.  If you haven't seen them, you should look for them now.  There has to be something to laugh about in this election!.  Click here for the article.

There are many places for daily humor.  Two favorites are: The Onion
Another, written by Andy Borowitz can be subscribed to for free and offers many good belly laughs to kick in your endorphins as long as you bring you sense of humor to the Internet.

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