Thursday, June 14, 2012


Having survived and voted in political campaigns for many decades and for many candidates, some who have lost and some who have won, is like going through frequent anxiety attacks.  Just when you are shuddering, perspiring as you listen for the results, it seems quite like giving birth with the accompanying labor pains.  The media now has begun to report as though it is a soap opera.  "After this commercial we will tell you who has won."  You swear you will never forget the pain after it is over just as promptly as you forget labor pains when another child is on the way.  Otherwise, women could never repeat childbirth and voters could never vote again.

Fortunately, I don't live in a state trying to cheat and keep me from voting.  We have no hanging chads, no misleading forms, no tricks.  I feel as though I am in a small island of sanity, figuratively speaking,  in this country that has become a country full of foggy insanity.  Too many people can no longer tell the truth from snake oil salesmen who are being coaxed into office to fulfill the design of the 'non-existent' conspiracy to take over the country.  Grover Norquist and Karl Rove could explain that conspiracy far better than I. 
Imagine that we are living in a country where an evil governor can resist obeying the law or the US Attorney General's requests, hopefully soon to become demands.

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