Friday, July 13, 2012


It is widely spoken that the best defense is an offense.  In fact, many of us find it 'offensive;. (see the 2nd and 3rd meaning here).It is offensive to me to hear our President called a liar because he is quoting the data that the media has exposed about Romney's past (SEC statements and a disclosure form given to officials to decide whether Romney was eligible to run for MA governor though he had lived in Utah for a couple of years and paid taxes there for the lower rate. (He is purported to have paid back the the IRS, the fifty-five thousand he had saved by filing in Utah).

The Romney we know, as he has shown us himself today, is that he is the man behind the curtain in OZ.  Now I ask  readers, if the fox in the hen house could speak, would he tell the farmer he was there to eat his chickens?  It is doubtful.  If he behaved in the Rove/Romney fashion, he would probably accuse the farmer of not taking added protection for his hens with a fox around.

If you think this through a little further, you will see why the Republicans feel the solution that follows the outsourcing is to fire teachers, police, firefighters, etc.  They would do to us what has happened in Europe.  We should be smarter than they. 

To compare Romney's promises for solving all out problems with nothing to show for collateral, listen to this video of a Nobel Prize-winning economist, Joseph Stiglitz telling us simply what we should be doing.  It is not what Romney would do.  Romney is making grand promises as though he is still the CEO and sole owner (not of Bain) but the whole USA.  Does he realize that he can do nothing he wants unless he has bipartisan cooperation, he will sail the same boat President Obama is sailing.

Today is Friday the thirteenth...we won't be allowed to forget that.

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