Thursday, July 12, 2012


It is with deep resentment that I must accept payi9ng the high salaries and the many perks that Representatives will have even if they are only elected for a single term.  In my opinion, had they been on a job anywhere else, they would have been fired for the pitiable performance they have shown.  We have paid for their time and questionable work as they for 33 times (depending on to whom you listen) have presented and voted on a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act.  Furthermore, to get the focus off Romney her first passed a similar bill still operative in Massachusetts, persists on renaming it from Romneycare to Obamacare.

The good members of the NAACP to whom Romney spoke yesterday tried to be courteous but lost control of their polite pose to strongly boo him when he spoke of Obamacare.  Some very close to the members said the boos were not that he wanted to repeal the law as much as they resented demeaning Obama and his office by calling the law in such an insulting fashion, using Obamacare.

It would appear that there is no way for Romney to win the election legally but, in fact, did anyone assume it would be legal and fair?  I know of no one in my personal acquaintance that naive, though there are parts of the country who are fed such propaganda that they remain in the dark about the realities.

Apparently we are now expected, as individuals, to fork over funds to buy our Presidents' who will go to the highest bidding party.  We can only hope that this election will prove that money cannot buy everything, including elections.  Those who are legally entitled to vote will be assisted in paying and proving they may vote.  Hopefully Attorney General Holder will continue to help see to that possibility.

Meanwhile each day spent sees us one day closer to the election.  We have now two or three days under 120 left.  Don't give up on our democracy, my friends.  Vote for the man who is clear on that for which he stands, Barack Obama, and against the Teapartiers who want to move us back several hundred years.

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