Sunday, September 30, 2012


Karl Rove had had a book written about him during Bush's presidency, as Bush's Brain.  That didn't come as a surprise because the lack of substance in Bush was quickly apparent in his oral output and all the decisions that were bad for the economy and the country that he was talked into supporting.  His goal has never been made clear to me other than the power he held and the company he kept.  Clearly, Mr. Rove is not for the middle class but sustained by very large dollars which he has been able to wrest for those willing to 'invest' in his vision of the US 'future government'.  He has set up the Super PACs though he still is not getting the results he wants.

Craig Unger has written a thought provoking article on Rove  The Tea Party and the Right: Is Karl Rove Losing it?  

It is strange to hear just who has really been running the country behind the scenes on so many aspects.  We have heard much about the Koch brothers, Sheldon Adelson, Grover Norquist, and some others.  0Naive people think that Obama is in control of whatever should, does or does not happen.  That is so far from the truth.  Apparently the average person is totally out of the sphere of the real powers that make decisions. That makes most voters totally unaware of exactly what they really get when they vote. 

Please do not waste your vote for more of the years when people are lied to and left powerless.  Vote for Obama,,,he may not be perfect but he is the best of the choices available to us with his goal to make a better America for all and a level playing field.


Frank J. Lhota said...

Conor Friedersdorf of the Altantic Monthly wrote some scathing articles on the 2012 Republican convention. Recently, he wrote a piece on why he cannot support Obama either:

The sad truth is that some of our worst policies are being championed by both major parties. With either Obama or Romney at the helm, the nation will continue to borrow money it does not have to send predator drones after people it does not know. That is why I cannot vote for either of these candidates. Fortunately, we do have an alternative: Gary Johnson.

Yiayia said...

Frank, you find someone you like but who won't be able to get elected...perhaps someday Libertarians will be able to have an evenplay8ing field, but not yet.