Saturday, September 29, 2012


Martin Bashir (MSNBC) started his show with that quote.  It is my expectation that the backers of the Republican Right will manipulate and cheat and would love to be proven wrong.  I just cannot imagine how they can do it; fixing Diebold programming? It is amazing how the lies fly around.  Perhaps the media should show better discretion about whom they allow to represent the positions of the candidates on national TV  The contradictions and lies are enough to put the average person in a mental hospital, breaking down from trying to figure out who is right or wrong.

I'm not clear as to the reason chose for the quote with which Mr. Bashi started the show,  Neither candidate plans to quit but only one will win the election if the voting count is honestly tabulated.  Voter suppression is still going strong in GOP states...It is being attempted in 33 states.  We do not have much more time to prevent too much of that happening.  Somehow gracious loser does not enter an image of Republicans when I think of it.

When one listens to the quotes on video from Mr. Akin, one wonders how people can possibly, in good conscience, vote for him unless they really are that easily turned stupid.
Obama, stay safe and healthy.  We need you desperately.

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