Saturday, September 8, 2012


There is discord over the Democrats language in the current policy statement. Convention leaders were forced to call voice vote three times to declare the city to be Israel's capital in party platform. It was a case of 'if at first you don't succeed, keep trying until you do regardless of the issues being brought up,

Also restored was wording mentioning God: Democrats changed the platform language to say government should help people "make the most of their God-given potential". When is the Constitution going to be followed and separate church from state.  If I have potential, I would say it came from my genes and no one can prove God had anything to do with that.

A US military judge has ordered the 2009 Fort Hood shooting suspect, Army Major Nidal Hasan, to shave off his beard or be "forcibly shaved."

He apparently grew the bad after he went to prison  The custom of wearing hair on one's fact must have started when men were too lazy to shave it off with the primitive methods available at the time.

                                                                         If religion is truly a matter of what one holds inside as 'faith' how can this be justified that our rules should be broken to accommodate a whim which should not actually change one's faith.  Mujslim ladies have asked to have their driver's license picture  with a burka (BURKINA) on.  A wise judge forbid that one  It doesn't make sense when the purpose of a picture is for identification to have you face covered and indistinguishable.There are some things, even in religions, that must adapt to US requirements.

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

What is most disturbing about the Democratic platform's stance on God and Jerusalem is how it was passed over the objections of the delegates. It sure sounded like the nays outnumbered the yays, and yet the moderator asserted that they had the two-thirds vote to insert the language! I haven't seen such flagrant disregard for the delegates since, well, the Republicans last minute rule changes to stifle Ron Paul supporters. Both parties have made it pretty clear that their delegates are there for window dressing.

These last two weeks prove that U.S. political convention have far outlived their usefulness. The primaries now determine the nominees, and the nominees will effectively write the platform. The convention is just an empty ritual that tries to make it look like these decisions are made by the party faithful. What's worse is that they are publicly funded. If the Democrats and Republicans want to put on these pep rallies disguised as deliberative bodies, can't they do it on their own dime?parr