Thursday, October 25, 2012


The Christian Right is defying our Constitution and trying to make this a country a Christian nation.  Clearly stated in our Constitution, there should be a wall of separation between church and state.  It is in defiance of our Constitution that someone (Ryan and others) would elect a candidate who says, regardless of our laws (Roe vs Wade) he would work to follow his Catholic beliefs.   Though John F Kennedy was a Roman Catholic, he made it clear he would not impose his beliefs from his religion on others.  Paul Ryan has stated the exact opposite. He will work to make laws from his personal beliefs, while Biden says he has been a life long Roman Catholic but believes in other people's right to follow their own belies.

The Indiana Republican Senate candidate from Indiana believes that, if a woman gets pregnant from a rape, God intended for her to have that baby.  While our Constitution clearly states that t here should be no religious test for elected office, it would seem that people with any common sense would understand that the man's logic is faulty and he should not be making medical life-altering decisions for others.  If God were in control of a rape which most people do not believe (even other religions believe in some evil force like a devil) than why assume God is the only force behind life?  Does God deliberately birth special needs children, and if so, why would a benevolent God do that? 

Rationalizing what God thinks is very dangerous.  We have no evidence anyone has ever directly spoken to God, not even the Pope.  It is all hearsay with no proof.  To make laws off this distorted logic is absurd.  There are those men in the background of the government who wish to replicate the Taliban values for women.  However, men are married to women and they have a great investment in whether they are forced to support unwanted children or have to raise the product of a rape along with their natural morn children.  I would hope they see the danger in the thinking of self-defined demigod.


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