Thursday, October 11, 2012


If you are feeling too calm, get yourself irritates by asking a simple question of your friends. Ask, "Where do you get your political news."  Answers may be, "I don't listen or watch news.  The media lies."  I try to suggest that they stop watching Fox News, but that is like asking them to convert to another religion.".  If they tell me they think Obama isn't a citizen or that he isa a Muslim, I want to sell them stock on a Ponzi scheme. 

There is no answer to politicians who lie and are believed despite years of archived film proving their lies being played over and over.  (After all, the media isn't to be believed, say they.)  Groucho Marx asked, , "Who do you want to believe, me or your lying eyes?"  Unfortunately, too many want to believe the 'me' and not the truth-teller.

Other friends say they wouldn't vote for a black man while forgetting that President Obama is as much white as black and they also profess to have no prejudices.  There are those who vote by appearance.  "I can't vote for him, his eyes are too close together."   I suppose we should not only question whom to put into the House of Representatives, we should also look at whom to throw out.  There are three men on the Science committee for whom we should all have a frantic desire to see them on another job.  One believes that the world was created in six days, down not believe in evolution not science and thinks we should live by the Bible, not the Constitution..  A seco9nd believes CO2 probably came from dinosaur flatulence, and a third believes that woman have a built-in 'something' that prevent them from getting pregnant during a 'legitimate' rape.Since they got oto the prestigious 'science' committee, one must ask what about the others on the committee?  What do THEY believe that they allow these fools on it

The truth is that the Re[publicans really don't care what Romney believes.  They will have him vote whatever they tell him to do.  He signed Nprquist's pledge.  See this.

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