Friday, October 5, 2012


     My favorite political station let me down totally last night. Rather than examining content, there was a knee Jeri reaction saying what each would have done had they been president (which they never will be nor are equipped to be).  Just because they control their TV hours and can browbeat their guests, they seem to think that the president should have done the same.  Instead, he patiently and meekly tried to get the moderator to show some measure of control of the Romney steamroll, with no success.
     Ed Schultz whose anger I can usually tolerate because it is personal to him when he sees egregious actions towards the middle class.  That rage did not belong in last night's debate.  Even Chris Matthews who, when he lets his guests answer questions without interruption, often makes sense, speaking as the excellent historian he is.
     Even Rachel Maddow, my idol, missed the boat and concentrated on emotion rather than content.
     The real problem is that too many are sports fans and think 'winning' is the game.  It is interesting that the pundits all have a used car sales mentality and do not understand that the debate was a first down, not the last quarter.
     President Obama did beautifully today in his response to Romney but he doesn't please the know-nothings with overblown egos.  For shame on most of you on MSNBC,  You all are currently a huge disappointment.  You jumped to plug Romney and criticized the sitting president as though you know better than he.  Only Toure seemed to accept his strategy.  SE Cupp came closer than her more seasoned peers.  What colossal chutzpah (and I'm not even Jewish but I can think of no better word to fit the occasion.)
     Debates are won only after a long enough time to see what the result of the discussion is.  A man who lies as Romney did (check with the fact checkers on BBC (of all places) cannot be declared a winner,  Cheating, when obvious, cannot be considered a win!  What are all of you using for brains right now?.

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