Saturday, October 6, 2012


Having criticized the candidates ad nauseam, the nit-pickers are now focusing on Jim Lehrer, the moderator.  Without a doubt, he scarcely moderated.  Near the end, it looked as though Obama was pleading for him to stop Romney who was totally ignoring Lehrer.  However, that didn't happen.  I will reiterate that I thought President Obama made the right choice to allow Romney with the 60 million audience to continue to lay out the lies which fact checkers and President Obama could point to the next day.

It is my contention that failure to attack Romney was a brilliant move, regardless of all the theories being laid out about his response being due to black men having trained themselves not to fight white men, to infer he is a wimp, to Sununu calling him unintelligent and lazy, among many other equally incorrect and disparaging remarks.

There seems to be a court stop to the Republican attempt to limit Obama voters.  Rachel Maddow talked about the court having stopped the demand for photo ID in Pennsylvania.  She had her staff call around Pennsylvania, only to find voting counties were still playing a taped message when the voting offices were contacted by people wanting to kn9ow if they could vote and what they needed. A day or more after the court ruling, that said they e message still said they couldn't vote unless they had a voter ID.  When caught, they said it was just an oversight not to pull the robot responder that had been on earlier.

Without question, history shows that there have always been battles during campaigns and lots of dirty tricks, often on both sides.  However, I don't recall any campaigns in my life time where one of the candidates (Romney) offered so little substance and told so many blatant lies. It would seem that some of the old advisers forget the media can play back tapes, and does all too often, of everything a candidate has ever said on a subject.  It does make one wonder why that seems so insignificant today to them.

Vote OBAMA and give the country back to democracy and make it what our founding fathers wished it to be. Do not let the Republicans take our rights away and make new laws that rid us of the laws we won after long and difficult pursuits.

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