Friday, November 23, 2012


     All people have something for which they can be thankful.  Some just have to look harder for it than others.  It may be that they are alive or it may be their way out of agony is near and they will die soon.  For most of us, it is that life is just more positive than negative.  Happiness is  relative.  While small things make one person's life happy, those same elements could make another's life unbearable. Songwriters sing The Best Things in Life Are Free.  The beggar with no alternative but to dig in the trash behind a restaurant for something edible may not find that says it for him..
     It is nice to be loved and surrounded by those who love long as they are not stalkers,..  One can be thankful for good health, a sense of humor, five working senses and importantly, sanity.  I'm thankful I don't have to live with a dog or any other furry animal.  I'm thankful when the Internet works, when a storm passes and my electric power is still on, and that Elizabeth Warren and President Obama were elected.
     I'm thankful I am not surrounded by death, violence and destruction over which I have absolutely no control.  I'm thankful, even though the view from my windows is not scenic with sunsets, oceans or lakes, I never have to worry, living on a stable hill, about being flooded by rain.  I could go on and on about all for which I am thankful, knowing that many others around me can count on the same.  I can only wish that others can find as much joy of living as I, as much for which to be thankful, and to be free, not wishing for what I can never have or to have what others have.  I'm thankful that I learned to live with reality and that my reality makes me thankful.  I can only hope that it will stay that way but realize nothing last forever; not people nor the earth around us.
     Like Nikos Kazantzakis, I want nothing, I fear no one, I am free.  I'm thankful.

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