Saturday, November 24, 2012


Our dumbed down society has been listening to lies and denials for far too long.  The Republicans are incapable of understanding why they lost.the election.  Those running it see it as winnable regardless of the platform or candidate.  Their arrogance is astounding.  They seem not to hear that the groups who voted against Romney (those who voted for Obama as 'the lesser of two incompetents'  as one disgruntled voter out it to me) because of the Republican platform.  I rarely hear that mentioned when the autopsy is being done of the election.  There are, seemingly, those who can't believe that more money didn't win the election.
I have not heard Republicans pushing to change the platform that just does not appeal to the majority of voters.  It is as simple as that.

In 2008, Limbaugh  lied to his listeners, getting them to vote for Teapartiers, thinking to broaden the Republican party.  No one seems to credit him for the ruination of the party, though that, retrospectively is clearly what it was. It ruined democracy in the functioning of the Legislature as it totally dumbed it down.  Teapartiers want government out of their lives yet they are behind pro-life movements which add to it by elevating costs of unwanted and uncared for children.  We have the example of how blind to facts some states and people are.  Those who want to secede from the USA often don't realize the economic realities, that they could not exist without the deeper pockets of the government.

It is hard to remain respectful of a body of elective officials who would put Murdock and Aiken on a science committee.  It is difficult to respect McConnell who allowed such pain and anguish to exist in our citizens just to try to make Obama a one-term President.  God certainly was not with the Republicans during that election.  Does that tell the religious something.  Apparently not, since they are making up all sorts of conspiracy theories as to why they lost, avoiding the obvious truth.. 

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

Throughout the Republican party, there is plenty of thoughtful analysis about what they did wrong in the last election. As early as February of this year, Senator Jim DeMint wrote a book urging that his party pursue a new direction; see

George Will endorsed many of the same reforms in his post-election column:

Both DeMint and Will feel that the party needs to go in a more libertarian direction. This is borne out by the 2012 results. The few successful 2012 Republican candidates (Ted Cruz, Thomas Massie, Justin Amash, Jeff Flake) were quasi-libertarians. 2012 proves that the party's future is not with the religious right; it is with the Ron Paul wing.