Monday, December 3, 2012


     I've come to believe there is no such thing as a stress free life no matter how hard one tries to achieve it.  If you are pat of a family, things happen which, though you may have no responsibility, empathy and sympathy  rule the day.
     Having lived in my house for 46 years, I've watched a neighborhood grow up. When I first came here and saw ambulances, they were in front of houses, the residents whom I did not know.  However, after so many years, People have sold houses and moved, divorced have grown children and grandchildren living with them, some houses are now occupied by their children, and some have died.  
     Today as I looked out my front windows I saw two police cars, 3 ambulances and a couple of fire department vehicles.  They were in front of my house but, it was clear, they were not for me.  However, I assumed, correctly, they were for my next door neighbor.  Until I am ready for the world to see me, I will just have to remain curious as I watched people go in and out of the house.  No one came out, which seemed a bit ominous.  I am left wondering.  Did my neighbor, in her late eighties, expire or the elderly woman who lived with her?
     It reminded me of a house down the street which I passed on my way to a doctor';s appointment so that I couldn't stop.  I saw his front door propped open and an ambulance out front.  On my return I tried to find out what had happened but it was not until almost twelve hours later that that I learned he had died in hospital; a few hours later.  When neighbors have been friends, it disallows an existence without pain.
     Thus I assume a stress free life  is one in which there may be a lot of emotion, but if it is not laughter freedom from fear and anxiety, it can never be stress fear and can just be termed a normal life.

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