Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Eating should be a pleasure, I was always taught.  It no longer seems that way.  We now know that meat is rarely in its original form.  Once I was talked into eating Tilapia.  I ate it but didn't particularly care for the taste.  At home, I Googled it and decided I definitely didn't want to eat it again. Whatever I had seen at that time suggested it was a bottom feeder which just didn't sound appetizing to me (though I like lobsters). The trouble is that food is not grown in the same organic conditions as when our forefathers were around nor as it was on the farm on which I grew up.  Today I read an article by Jill Richardson.  It was sharing a picture determined to to alter our cravings.  To see what we are served without our awareness, click here.  When eating today, I keep remembering the saying, "You are what you eat."  The thought of fecal matter being fed to food I am later expected to eat somehow is a picture I find offensive and were I called that, I would be highly insulted.

Scuba divers are describing what they are seeing in oceans; the accumulation of decades of trash being dumped, it shames  me to think of our human footprint  Our footprint (or would that be our 'fin print') is pretty disgusting.  Plastic accounts for approximately 61% of the ocean litter. Click here.  Over 80% of marine pollution comes from land-based activities.  Click here.

Whatever looks good may be off your diet for one reason or another.  Naive doctors say that we do not need additives, we should just eat well.  To eat well, one should eat organically but since most of the organic foods are found only in chain grocery stores with warehouses before the produce gets to the local superstore and reaches you, the consumer, it is not quite what it was.  At least some of the things like spraying with sulfites to preserve the food longer have bee outlawed.

Lastly, if you are not with allergies which forbid many foods, you can eat meat.  That is, if you can tolerate the 'slime that is added to it. The makers of this additive make healthy claims for it.  It makes hamburgers in fast food restaurants cheaper is that makes you want them more.  Read here to get a description of the process.

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