Thursday, December 6, 2012


Ever since the book, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was banned in 1943, I knew that banning something made it sell well.  Everyone wanted a copy and they must have been pretty easy to get because many people brought them back to Massachusetts from places they were not banned.  Apparently that conclusion was confirmed with the SodaStream ad was recently banned.,  Watch the banned ad here.

When will churches and lawmakers understand that forbidding people their own choice only makes most people want to find out why it is being forbidden them and why their choice is being taken away from them.  It is why kids get older kids or siblings to buy cigarettes and alcohol.  It is why kids find ways to get into Adult movies.

Clergy seems not to understand that people nowadays take little on faith and want reasons for every decision made which diminishes their choices.  The Republicans seem not to have learned that their platform turned many people away from voting for them because it was an autocratic, paternalistic platform.  Nevertheless, all we here from today only convinces me that they have learned nothing about how little the majority of people share their values.  However, since most of the Republicans seem to be stuck like Velcro to the 2%, the wealthy who do not want their taxes raised, they cannot do the math.

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